Sunday 26 October 2014

Viewpoint from one of my Aussie readers to all of us..

In the face of famine-like spiritual conditions  presently endured by so many throughout so much of Christ’s church it is very easy to pray for those priests, bishops and cardinals  whose theology and practice  are sound, all too easily forgetting or even dismissing the notion of praying for those prelates whose theology and practice is revolutionary, post-modern, liberal. Nonetheless, it is the latter group  for whom it is essential to pray. The truth of such prayer is vividly illustrated in an  an  encounter I experienced On SS Peter and Paul day some months ago. I happened to be  in  a large city attending the FSSP TLM. Needing the sacrament of confession,  I took my place in the queue prior to mass. Upon entering the booth, I heard a voice unfamiliar to me,  not this congregation’s usual confessor nor   his assistant, but an older man with a pronounced ‘accah’  Australian accent. I confessed and then let it out a bit (due to the shenanigans in our diocese),  things about struggling with the concept of love that has been so distorted etc. to wit I mentioned  our bishop. Now, to my surprise, it turns out that this Fr came up with him through the ranks and   knows him. What is more, he used to think just like him and believe fully in ‘the revolutionary  church’ with  all that this entales. But somewhere along the way, someone would have prayed for  this courageous Fr. likely over a long period of time and eventually, he saw the light, came  across to  the FSSP, and is now a hermit for them who assists with confessions on feast-days when attendances are greater. He gave me a summmation of our bishop and  told me to listen to Garrrigou- Lagrange. Now, if the likes of  this Fr. can be so utterly and  completely transformed, so can Cardinal Kaspar, who is of their vintage; the ‘before and after’ vintage.  We need to pray more fervently for those priests that are endangering themselves and their flocks for  it is easy to sledge them and become angry, all too easy. As you so rightly say, if we’re not  praying for them, what chance do they have? If St. Paul could  turn to the truth, and  the Fr. I have mentioned above then how much more for those souls who have  allowed themselves to become entranced by the spirit of the age ; what a marvelous witness for  Christ  would it be;  Kaspar offering a TLM (or even AO), being re-captivated by Christ’s glory, set aflame for truth by Our Lady queen of the Priesthood, and bearing our Lord  or Lady into the streets in procession, either in Rome or better still in Germany, saying no to German money on German terms for churches etc, truly  kicking the Teutonic luxuries once and for all  and opting for the whole truth, which is love, pure and simple.