Thursday 13 November 2014

Calling In the Outlying People,_Warwickshire
In Medieval, Renaissance and even the beginnings of modern times, those leaders who held castles and lands, called in the outlying people, pigs, cows, hens and grains before the last great battles. Hundred of farmers, blacksmiths, and others crowded into the castle keep.

Those under the protection of the great lords were thus protected within the castle walls.

This is the time for the leaders of the Church to call in the outlying peoples. Those who are faithful to the Church and the Pope need to be called into a protection which no government can give.

This protection is the Church, and the great gift of the Church, the Eucharist.

Those who follow Christ fully in His teachings, knowing that the Truth of Christ lies within the Catholic Church. must retrench within the walls.

This means prayer, penance, the decision to leave ordinary preoccupations and work while becoming holy.

This is the time for leaders to call the Church to great holiness.

The war has been won by Christ, but some battles may be lost, even with the lost of souls.

Pray, fast, do penance. It is time to come within the walls of the Church.