Tuesday 4 November 2014

Grenades, then....

The evil one is shooting grenades and most people are missing the level of ferocity of the battles.

Grenades will morph into heavy artillery. Many casualties will result.

Already, there are seriously wounded Catholics.

From Rome and on the blogosphere, articles and the words being used are crucial, absolutely.

We need to pay attention to definitions and words.

We need to be clear, which means we must know our Faith extremely well.

Very few pundits understand what is really going on.

Few understand theological mistakes and heresies.

To throw around words without understanding the 2,000 plus years of Magisterial Teaching and Tradition is downright irresponsible and aids the enemy.

Satan and his minions watch us constantly. They hear what we say and read what we write.

They cause confusion and chaos.

If bloggers and commentators are not spending time being more clever than the evil ones, they serve the enemy even unwillingly. Lazy bloggers are causing more confusion.

Adoration and daily Mass are essential now.

The battles will become more horrific. This is spiritual warfare.