Monday 3 November 2014

Why I Pray for Francis

In my humble opinion, Pope Francis has been elected Pope because God has put him in the crucible on purpose for his, the pope's own salvation.

This Pope has received his office from God in order for him to be purified. Watch and pray.

He is the true pope and he is not acting totally as he should. So. We should pray for him, daily.

He will be OK in the end. He has said nothing heretical from the Chair of Peter.

But, we need to pray. The Catholic Church will not go into schism, but those who hate the Church who will go into schism-not "us" but "them".


Anyway, may I add that I honestly think the Maria Divine Mercy is a Progressive, and possibly being supported by progressives, for the very reason of causing schism.

We need sharp minds right now. We need to be very clever in the best sense of the word.

The evil one is so clever, we need to be more so.