Monday 1 December 2014

Clarity with A Challenge

For the past four years, and especially when I have been here in Malta, it has been clear to me that God wants me to live a contemplative life. As some of you know, I tried Tyburn twice and the lifestyle was simply too hard for me physically. God is calling me to be a contemplative in the world. I have known this for quite a while.

Through many sources of inspiration and guidance, my way is clear-active contemplation moving into passive contemplation. However, I need stability to do this. I, again, plead with my readers to pray for me for this stability, as a permanent place, and the means to live even a simple life, have been a challenge.

I need a place, a little cell which is just my own. On top of that, like two people I know, I would like to be able to have the Host reserved in that little cell. In addition, I need the ability to get to daily Mass, for my own salvation and purification.

Please pray for this real need. If God wants me to live the life of charitable prayer which feeds so many of you who need to live the outward life of justice and righteousness, I must be somewhere. I must move away from the outward to the inward lifestyle. But, I am not a disembodied spirit!

Please do not stop praying for my staying here on this continent. The darkness is growing, so there is more need for one little candle, one small light, which is fed by contemplative prayer, not merely for my own salvation, but for you, the Church Militant. The Church desperately needs contemplatives now. The more small lights, the better.

I think God wants my readers to pray for this need, and I ask out of deep humility and trust that you will join me in prayer.