Thursday 25 December 2014

Disappointment at Mass

Four years ago, when I first began to attend the NO in Latin at the Co-Cathedral in Valletta, most of the Mass, barring the readings and the sermon, was in Latin.

Not so today. Most of it was in Maltese. In other words, it was a Maltese Mass with Kyrie, Gloria, Creed and Angus Dei in Latin only. The entire said Mass, including the usual responses and the Our Father were all in Maltese. The Eucharistic prayer and the words of institution were in Maltese.

This was not an NO in Latin.

This is a change from what use to happen at St. John's.

This has been the only venue for the NO Latin Mass, and there is no TLM at all on the island, and to have no NO in Latin on Christmas was very disappointing to me.

I do not understand why the popes have not intervened on this fact.

I would not want to live here permanently without a TLM, or at least, a NO in Latin, which this was not today.

I shall not even bother to return to the Co-Cathedral again under these circumstances.

So sad for Malta....