Monday 29 December 2014

The Lashing of The Tail

Quite a while ago, a priest told me that when we experience a victory over evil in our lives, or in the lives of someone for whom we are praying, and, especially if we have asked Mary, Our Mother to intercede, we sometimes get negative feedback from the devil.

He called it the "lashing of the tail".  This holy man explained to me that Mary stands on the head of satan, but the tail moves back and forth, hitting those who have been instrumental in interceding for a spiritual victory.

The lashing of the tail may result in an illness, or injury. It may result in the loss of some material object or objects. It may result in a misunderstanding among friends-anything which God allows the devil to inflict on those who pray, fast, work for the Kingdom.

My guess is that many of you readers have experienced the lashing of the tail and have wondered why, after answers to prayers, something, or some things seems to go wrong. If we are not experiencing negative feedback, we are not doing our job as Catholics.

Years ago, I complained to God about this lashing of the tail after a particular prayer was answered for someone else. I said to the Father that I was upset that such devilish activity was surrounding me.

A little voice, a quiet voice, said "You do not see what my Hand is holding back. You do not see how you are protected."

Well, I do now not question the lashing of the tail. Nor do I expect such. But, if God allows a few war wounds, I rejoice.

However, you all can still pray for me, and for those who have gotten lashed by the tail.