Wednesday 17 December 2014

Obedience, obedience, obedience..............

One old example of disobedience...and good guidelines, which I have also written on this blog before finding this...

The root cause of the ongoing deception: The necessity of spiritual direction and obedience The important missing element which allowed for the ongoing demonic deceptions in the life of Sr. Magdalena was the absence of a priest spiritual director to guide and discern her alleged mystical gifts and supernatural graces. Obedience is the "litmus test" of the Church, and it seems that Sr. Magdalena was never subjected to obedience to a spiritual director. Had she been, the demonic deceptions would certainly have been detected much sooner. Mystics and visionaries should always be guided by a priest spiritual director, and it should always be the priest who directs the mystic, and NOT the mystic who directs the priest. A priest spiritual director represents Christ and His authority within the Church, and therefore mystical and supernatural graces should be subjected to this authority to help discern their authenticity.

For sure another one of the spiritual lessons is that all that glitters is not necessarily gold, and the devil does not counterfeit tin or copper, or even silver---he seeks to counterfeit gold. So we need to be very careful, with the help of God, not to be misled by his phony deceptions. - See more at:

"Diabolic Influence" Part Two

Someone wants to know what the signs of diabolic influence are when connected to visionaries and those who follow them.

Here are a few bullets.
  • Consistent disobedience to the rulings of the CDF and local bishops, with the proud attitude that one does not have to obey liberal bishops concerning seers and visions. Seers also exhibit disobedience to bishops.
  • Pre-occupation with consolations from God and a determination that these consolations mean the seers are true. Consolations can be from the evil one, as these are based on emotion.
  • Carelessness about doctrinal points, not considering the long teaching of the Church concerning the persons of the Trinity, Mary, and the nature of the Church. Often, the ecclesiology and Christology of the false seers are heretical.
  • Insistence that private revelations be considered seriously as part of one's spiritual life, instead of one developing one's own relationship with God. In other words, Satan deflects a person's focus.
  • Willful ignorance concerning sin, absolution, the Petrine authority and apostolic succession as residing in the Catholic Church.
  • Messages which state all religions are the same and there are many ways to God, clearly satanic, as there is only one way to God and that is Christ.
  • Fanatical loyalty to persons instead of to God, idolatry of people and places instead of detachment.
  • False fruits, false prophecies, which undermine the authority and teaching of the Catholic Church.
  • Money-making endeavors which make the seers rich and famous-a clear indication of falsity and demonic influences-at least three popular, unapproved seers or group of seers and their families have become rich on the false visions. Note that this is very different from Blessed Jacinta and Francesco and St. Bernadette and their families.
  • Refusal to repent when errors are pointed out clearly, especially doctrinal errors and false prophecies. A stubborness sets in to the hearts of the followers as well as the seers.
  • The followers place the messages over and above doctrine and dogma, again undermining the authority of the Teaching Magisterium.
  • Judgmental attitudes towards bishops and priests who disagree with the visions and seers. False support of the seers who sometimes adopt a victim attitude.
  • Denial of sin and punishment, such as the denial of hell-universal salvation as accepted
  • Denial of the fact that the way to perfection is already known and has been so there is no need for further knowledge.
  • Absolute error in stating that Revelation continues, when in fact it ended with the last word of the book of Apocalypse.
  • Hatred and despising of authority and those who disagree with the visions on the part of the followers, who create an "us" and "them" attitude. 
  • Refusal to study the encyclicals and the CCC, stating the visions are more important.
All this indicates a rebellious nature and a Gnostic tendency to want to be one of the special few who get to heaven with arcane knowledge, instead of seeing that the simplicity of the Gospel is the way to holiness.

Satan wants to undermine the authority of the Church. He wants to take people away from studying and appropriating an adult faith. He wants to distract them by creating a fanaticism for consolations. 

The way to holiness is the Cross.

to be continued....

Recommended by Crisis

Does anyone want to send one to a poor sem in England?

"Diabolic Influence"

This may be one of the most important posts I write this year. This information came from three sources, none of which I can give online in order to protect those involved.

I can say that one source is a very holy priest, known here in Europe.

The information basically surrounds the serious problems of Gnosticism concerning the groups and individuals who follow false seers.

The facts are these: apparition chasing has become a prime focus for many, many, otherwise good Catholics. This preoccupation with private revelations forms a theme on this blog going back almost seven years, including on my first blog.

What I have learned through experience and the input of some holy people, including the priest, who is straight-down-the-wicket orthodox and traditional, is that most, if not all the false seers and false visions, originate from "diabolic influence". In other words, it is not merely the case wherein young and not-so-young people make mistakes and then carry on those errors, but that the visions and words are from demons, even satan himself.

In addition, those who religiously and rigorously follow these false seers and their messages "fall under the same influence".

I knew this from experience from encountering demonic activity connected to false seers, and now I have had my suspicions confirmed by several things which have happened on Sunday night, and Monday night of this week, as well as today, Wednesday.

The rule should be this: if the Catholic Church has not approved an apparition or messages, do not read books or pamphlets about these, or follow these, do not watch the videos, and do not go to those places of pilgrimages.

Do not go to talks or retreats connected with anyone of whom Rome and other bishops have given warnings or proclaimed that the messages and visions are personal meditations and not from God.

The problem has been complicated by the fact that too many Catholics do not understand the basic teaching of the Church regarding the nature of God, the Trinity, Mary's role in the plan of salvation, salvation, heaven, hell, purgatory, sin, grace, baptism, and confession.

I have gone into detail on this blog many times about some of the seers who are most dangerous, as they hold views contrary to the Teaching Magisterium.

After my own experiences of the past few days, and this information from a priest, I felt I must share the seriousness of the situation.

All I can say is, "Be obedient to Rome and local bishops".

Catholics will not be able to be midwives and maybe doctors in England-loss of religious freedom

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street
London, SE11 4AB, United Kingdom
Telephone: (020) 7091 7091
Midwives lose fight for conscientious objection to abortion
17 December 2014
The Supreme Court has rejected the opportunity to uphold the right of conscientious objection for senior midwives who refuse to supervise abortions performed on a labour ward. Today's decision issued in the Supreme Court has been condemned by those who backed the Glasgow midwives' fight for their right to work in the NHS without being involved in abortions.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) which paid the midwives’ legal expenses throughout the case has said that senior midwives who refuse to kill babies could be forced to leave the profession.
Mary Doogan and Connie Wood, the midwives in the case, commented on the judgment:
“We are both saddened and extremely disappointed with today's verdict from the Supreme Court and can only imagine the subsequent detrimental consequences that will result from today's decision on staff of conscience throughout the UK.
“Despite it having been recognised that the number of abortions on the labour ward at our hospital is in fact a tiny percentage of the workload, which in turn could allow the accommodation of conscientious objection with minimal effort, this judgment, with its constraints and narrow interpretation, has resulted in the provision of a conscience clause which now in practice is meaningless for senior midwives on a labour ward.”
Paul Tully, general secretary of SPUC said:
“The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children acknowledges the great debt that the whole pro-life community owes to Mary Doogan and Connie Wood for fighting this battle over the past seven years. They have fought not only for their own careers, but for all current and future members of the profession who uphold the right to life of everyone, from the time of conception, without discrimination. We are bitterly disappointed for them.
“Today's decision sadly makes it likely that senior midwives who refuse to kill babies will be forced to leave the profession. Junior midwives might still be able to work in labour wards where abortions are performed but they will be restricted to 'staff midwife' status at best.  They could easily be placed in an impossible situation by pro-abortion superiors, and would be unable to receive promotion to a more senior role without fear of being required to violate their consciences.  This will affect anyone who objects to abortion, of any religion or none.  It will create a second-class status in midwifery for those who only deliver babies and don't kill them.
“Furthermore, the court has used the opportunity of this case to decide that the conscience clause in the Abortion Act does not apply to General Practitioners and that hospital doctors asked to prescribe abortion drugs will not be covered by the conscience clause.  We anticipate that this will lead to renewed efforts by health officials to force doctors who have a conscientious objection to abortion either to compromise their respect for human life or to leave the profession.  SPUC will support and encourage doctors to resist any such bullying approach.
“The pro-abortion lobby has long argued that conscientious objectors should be required to refer women seeking legal abortion to other practitioners.  Bodies such as the Department of Health have qualified this by saying that this only applies when the statutory grounds for a legal abortion apply, but the Supreme Court has said that any medical professional who refuses to provide an abortion should arrange for a referral to someone else who will do so. This seems to go far beyond the scope of the Abortion Act, and furthermore is not even an issue there was any need for the Court to decide in this case.
“The Court has nevertheless said that midwives and doctors with conscientious objections are obliged to refer abortion patients to colleagues who don't object to abortion.  This goes further than the General Medical Council, for instance, whose current guidance Personal Belief and Medical Practice says that doctors should refer patients to another doctor, but does not require them to check their colleague's pro-abortion credentials.”
Further information:
SPUC: 020 7091 7091
Paul Tully: 020 7820 312707939 178719
Anthony McCarthy: 07883 107358
John Smeaton: 07885 914 344

The Silence is Deafening

“Bean was a top Obama fundraiser charged with a serious crime. He flew on Air Force One. Yet he netted zero coverage,” said Gainor, who contrasted coverage of Bean with how “in just two days, the broadcast networks spent over 14 minutes covering how mid-level congressional staffer Elizabeth Lauten criticized the Obama daughters...
Yet media coverage was scant at the outset of the arrest, and has been even more sparse since—a classic case of media bias. As Brett Decker pointed out, “if one of President George W. Bush’s bundlers would have been charged with child rape, make no mistake about it, the media feeding frenzy would have been uncontrollable—which would be legitimate given the severity of the allegation. The silence surrounding Terrence Bean exposes the national media’s partisan double standard in obscene detail.”

Will be back soon

Later on today, I shall share an important post...busy this a.m.


To Be A Minority

When I grew up in Iowa, in a city which 80% of the populace were Lutherans, the Catholics were a small minority.  One of the advantages of being a small minority was that we had to know why we were Catholic. We learned at an early age to be apologists.

I remember in the summer of 1964, sitting on the back steps with my first boyfriend, discussing the theologies of Catholicism (me) and Lutheranism (him).

The identity of Catholicism was keen and real. Because the society was Protestant, to be a Catholic meant that mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, taught religion to the children in the home. Catholic identity was learned in the home, through the celebration in the home of name days, feast days, holy days of obligation.

Catholic families watched Bishop Sheen on television in the 50s and 60s. Catholic families socialized with Catholic families. See my post here. My dance card is full and young people will not believe this

To be a minority was a good thing for Catholics in the Midwest. To be a minority meant learning one's Faith on one's own, in one's home.

I am thinking that one reason God will allow persecution is to make us a minority again. To be a majority religion is a dangerous thing in a society where compromises then take place in order to stay the majority religion.

This is the problem in the States. Catholicism stopped being home-based and become diocesan-based. Parents gave up responsibility for teaching and for formation of character to the schools.

Religion stopped being practiced in this home.

A remnant Church must be a local church. A remnant Church must take care of religious needs privately and on a small scale. A minority Church must preserve and pass down Catholic identity for survival.

Home schooling families have done this in America for forty years. And, real Catholics are being marginalized daily. A remnant has to decide to be Catholic--choose Catholic identity and pass it on.

The Church will disappear in many, perhaps most, areas, as it did under persecution in Northern Africa.

Only those families and clans which have Catholic identity will endure.

It is not so bad being a minority.

Here are some pertinent links.

31 Oct 2014
Over two years ago, it came to me that in the future, the Church will resemble Northern Africa in the Fourth Century, when in Carthage and the immediate area around Carthage alone, there were seventeen bishops.
28 May 2012
To the person who objected to the reference to Northern Africa, that is a place, not a racial reference. There are many, many races in Northern Africa, Caucasian, Asian, Black, etc. And, the Arabs are not a race, but Caucasian ...
24 Sep 2014
The same is true with the churches in Northern Africa. I have written on this before today. This map shows us two things. One, this map shows us how fast the Faith spread and two, how fast it disappeared in later times in some ...
24 Sep 2014
It is in fact the case that not only the flourishing Church in Asia, which was once the vibrant heart of the Church, but also the Church in North Africa vanished entirely beneath the tempests of Islam. Of course, the force applied .

07 Dec 2012
The way so many negative things are happening, even *inside* the Church, I cannot fathom it will look anything but the way it does in northern Africa. True, it may take a while here to get to that point, but the thought alone is ...
17 Nov 2013
All those dioceses up and down the Levant in the early days of the Church are gone. All those great basilicas and cathedrals which served the huge Catholic communities in Northern Africa are long gone. Email ThisBlogThis!