Monday 5 January 2015

Slavery of the Will; Freedom of the Will Part Twelve

I am adding to the heresies which seem to be coming out of America and Germany as seen at the Synod.

The one I am adding is the heresy of "naturalism". Pelagianism, which I have already discussed in this series, is one of the forms of naturalism, but I want to address modern naturalism. I did refer to this earlier, but want to make it absolutely clear for all readers.

Here is Garrigou-Lagrange on this.

Naturalism denies that the Christian life is beyond natural powers; in other words, it declares that what is in reality achieved by it can be achieved without interior grace. Indeed it maintains that the human intellect in its natural development is capable of attaining to the possession of every truth and good, even to the intuition of God. (Denz.,no. 1808.)
Pseudo-supernaturalism denies that the Christian life is above the requirements of nature; in other words, human reason is so weak that it necessarily stands in need of revelation, which accordingly is not properly supernatural, and its exaltation to a participation in the divine nature was due to it for the integrity of its original state.
In both errors there is a confusion of the two orders, but the first confusion sins by exaggerated optimism in regard to the powers of human nature, and the second by exaggerated pessimism in regard to the destitution of nature.

It is this second type which is plaguing the synodal fathers and many Catholics in the pews.

Why bishops and cardinals want to allow those is sin to receive Communion is that they do not believe people can convert, that it is too hard to be a good Catholic.

This is a heresy I have mentioned before but want to empahsize by referrring to specifics

Here is "the" specific....

One of the greatest tragedies of our times is the falling away of cradle-Catholics.

I have seen this trend in very country I have visited over the past four years, in the States, Ireland England, Malta, France.

Thinking about the reasons has led me to one conclusion--it is entirely the fault of those who have chosen to leave the Catholic Church.

I have seen saintly parents lose their children to Protestantism, Buddhism, atheism.

I have seen adults who have stellar Catholic educations fall away.

I have seen people who had wonderful priests leave the Church.

An adult cannot blame someone else for his or her own decisions.

The sign that someone has grown-up is that they quit blaming others for their faults and take responsibility for their own decisions and the consequences of those decisions.

To accept the spiritual consequences of leaving the one, true, holy, apostolic and Catholic Church seems not to be a reality for most of those who have fallen away.

And, the main reason why lapsed Catholics are so, imo, boils down to one reason.


That a person cannot live on one's own, or endure the pain of a divorce and annulment, or not enter into a lustful relationship either hetero or homosexual leads to the denial of the authority of the Church in his or her life.

Actually, it has always been the case that most people fall into mortal sin through the deadly sin of lust. Greed and gluttony follow a close second, with sloth coming up in third place, it seems.

St. Therese of Liseaux wrote that all the people in hell had sinned against the Sixth Commandment.


So, one walks away from the Eucharist, sanctifying grace and community because of the sins of fornication and adultery.

So sad, so unnecessary....

One must stop blaming wishy-washy priests, bad catechesis, poor parenting and so on, all of which are results of the consequences of Original Sin.

I think parents have a right to confront their adult children on these bad decisions, reminding them that the consequences include the loss of eternal life.

A man I know died on the way home from daily Mass. He has a heart attack in his car.

Can one imagine dying on the way home to fall into sin, yet again, with someone who is not a lawful wife, or with a gay or lesbian partner?

Intention is sin, as well as action.

Prayer, fast and do penance for those who have fallen away, but do not blame yourselves if you are good, Catholic parents.

Let God work through the merit of your intercessory prayers.

There is hope until someone dies for repentance. Therefore, the denials that people can leave a sinful relationship through conversion and that they can grow in holiness is the form of the heresy of modern naturalism. It is not impossible to be a good, holy Catholic.

I know I am repeating what I wrote in this series a few days ago, but some people's comments have reminded me that this idea of needing to lower the standards which Christ commanded is getting more and more popular appeal.

A dangerous consequence of compromise from the top and from the pew....

to be continued...