Friday 23 January 2015


Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street
London, SE11 4AB, United Kingdom
Telephone: (020) 7091 7091
22 January 2015
Top story:

March For Life returns to Washington D.C.
The annual March For Life in Washington D.C. may be viewed on the following link:
The march will begin at 5pm, GMT (12pm EST). This year’s March For Life will centre around the theme of “Every Life is a Gift” which will seek to “draw attention to the pre-born populations that are at the greatest risk for abortion: those who receive a prenatal disability diagnosis”. “The March for Life in Washington, D.C., began as a small demonstration on January 22, 1974, the first anniversary of the now-infamous Supreme Court decisions in Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton and rapidly grew to be the largest pro-life event in the world.  The peaceful demonstration that has followed on this sombre anniversary every year since is a witness to the truth concerning the greatest human rights violation of our time, legalized abortion on demand.” [December 11, March For Life]

Yes and No camps decide on strategy ahead of Irish same-sex marriage referendum
Ahead of the planned referendum on same-sex marriage to be held in the Republic of Ireland, groups campaigning both for and against same-sex marriage have begun to plan their campaigns. The referendum will seek to change the country’s constitution on the definition of marriage. One campaigner in favour of a change to the constitution said, “This is just about providing the same legal protections for families of same-sex couples that already exist for heterosexual couples”. Archbishop Eamonn Martin commented while appearing on ‘Newstalk’, “We make our position clear not just from a faith point of view but also because we believe it is good for children, that it’s good for family and it’s good for society to preserve the uniqueness of marriage as we have traditionally understood it,” [20 January, Irish Times]

Pope Francis: large families know every child is a blessing
Pope Francis stated in this week’s Wednesday address that he is consoled when large families welcome children. The current pontiff reiterated the words of his predecessors by saying, “it is a consolation and hope to see so many large families that welcome children as a true gift from God. They know that every child is a blessing”. Pope Francis went on to say that large families do not cause poverty but that it is caused by an economic system which “has removed the human person from the centre and has replaced him with the god of money.”  Pope Pius XII famously stated: “Large families are the most splendid flower-beds in the garden of the Church.” [22 January, Aleteia]

Obama claims Americans can disagree about abortion while threatening to veto pro-life bill [20 January, Life News]
Pro-life senator delivers rebuttal against Obama’s State of the Union address [20 January, Yahoo news]
Taking the Pill for five years may double risk of brain tumours [22 January, The Telegraph]

Family Issues
How to live once you have been branded ‘anti-gay’ [January 7, The Federalist]
Christian judge suspended because of his Christian beliefs [20 January, LifeSiteNews]
Liberal Catholic lay group pledges support for SSM in Ireland [20 January, Irish Times]
Union of Students in Ireland organise rally supporting SSM [20 January, The Outmost]

Rhoslyn Thomas

Youth & Education officer
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)
0207 820 3140