Wednesday 18 February 2015

A Hidden Place for God

Because of the cold snap, I cannot go outside because of the chilblains, which flare up immediately.

Lots of prayer time. Please consider my plea for money in order to set up a house of Adoration in this place of corruption. I cannot do this without help.

The plan is this.

Daily Adoration with those women, single or married, who want to come and stay for a short while, or long while and adore Christ in the Eucharist.

Daily Divine Office according to the Monastic Diurnal, at least Lauds, Vespers and Compline.

Shared meals in silence, with an hour of talk in the afternoon for community building.

Simplicity of domain, wooden furniture, few comforts, silence.

Offerings accepted according to income only. Stays from one day to one month.

Plan is for enough women to sign on so that 24/7 Adoration for the intentions and protection of priests, bishops, and cardinals, and prayers for the pope can occur.

Group rosary optional but invited.

I have a house in mind but I would need a benefactor or two to cover the price of the house, taxes, fees and utilities. I have the backing of my son, which is good.

If I do not have a place, I cannot approach the local bishop, who I think would be open to the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist in a private setting.

God is telling me to stay away from government status of charity, as these can be followed and shut down asap in a hostile environment, whereas a private home can remain a hidden place for God.

Once ssm is passed by the Supreme Court, America will become hostile territory for priests, bishops, cardinals, who are faithful.