Thursday 5 February 2015

Asleep or Awake?

I have been in the States for just over a week. I have absolutely seen in two states that the vast majority of Catholics I have met are asleep with regard to two things.

The first is that they are in denial about the schism which is in the Church already and getting worse.

The second is that they are in denial as to closeness of the tribulation, not only of the Church, but of all peoples.

There is no reason for this sleepiness. Remember all my ostrich posts two and three years ago?

The amount of information available to those who want to know is there for any who want to learn.

Saints were made in many cases in the crucible of horrible trials. Not only martyrs, but those who began orders or furthered the Kingdom met with obstacles within the Church.

I cannot think of one saint who did not meet with some obstacle or obstacles in their lives. They were "awake" to grace, to the Word of God in their personal lives.

Are you awake, or asleep?