Monday 16 February 2015

Not Getting to Ash Wednesday

Sadly, many of us in the States, without cars or on bus routes, will not get to Ash Wednesday services. That there are people who cannot get to church seems a scandal to me. The closest church to me is two miles, on roads without sidewalks, and the temperature will be 16 F on Wednesday or so, not counting the windchill. Not good for chilblains....and walking on a major road without pavements can make one into roadkill...all it takes is one person on a cell phone on these busy roads.

I hope that those who are working can go to the many evening services I see advertised in some dioceses. Also, in my home town, I know there is a noon Mass downtown which will see standing room only crowds.

Pray for the many who cannot get to church. This is the hardest things for me, not to get to daily Mass or such special days like this Wednesday.

We live in un-communities, worse than non-communities, as the suburbs and many areas outside of city centers dictate against community, on purpose, in my mind.