Thursday 26 February 2015

Not Options
It surprises me that I cannot find anyone to take me shopping for food. I am miles and miles away from grocery stores, in an area with no sidewalks and lots of snow.

My choices are to pay a fee for delivery,which is too expensive, or buy what I can at the local drug store, which has nothing fresh, of course, or eat at McDonald's, which has nothing real.

Corporal works of mercy reminder time, and spiritual works of mercy,which are not options, but part of the rules of the Church, like abstinence and fasting. Why do so many Catholics think they will not be judged on these points at death?

Why do they think these do not apply to people even living in your middle-class or lower-class neighborhoods? Why do parishes not supply weekly shopping trips for the poor. There is no St. Vincent de Paul in this town. I also find it interesting that one needs a car to get to some of the food banks in other cities. Many of the poor do not have cars.

I still cannot get to Mass on Sunday, yet. Why don't parishes have buses, like so many of the Evangelical churches here? I see min-buses on Sunday with the name of Protestant churches on the side. Why are there not lists of people in parish offices with names of helpers? I have now called two offices for aid and both secretaries said they do not know anyone who can help and these are huge parishes.

This beautiful panel below was created in 1504, in the Netherlands. I have been a Catholic all my life, and I have never seen a Catholic Church with artwork depicting the corporal or spiritual works of mercy.

If you have, please comment.,_Meester_van_Alkmaar_(1504).jpg

The poor are invisible to most Catholics. This fact may be the reason why Christ reminded the Jew of the works of mercy as well. These are individual responsibilities, not corporate or governmental ones.

  • To feed the hungry;
  • To give drink to the thirsty;
  • To clothe the naked;
  • To harbour the harbourless; (home the homeless)
  • To visit the sick;
  • To ransom the captive;
  • To bury the dead.
Those who criticize me for teaching and admonishing sinners forget that we all have to fulfill the spiritual works of mercy as well. Not options...

  • To instruct the ignorant;
  • To counsel the doubtful;
  • To admonish sinners;
  • To bear wrongs patiently;
  • To forgive offences willingly;
  • To comfort the afflicted;
  • To pray for the living and the dead.