Friday 27 February 2015

Over Two Days

I have had discussions with three people, in separate conversations, regarding the evil of unapproved and false apparitions and seers.

These unapproved and false apparitions take away from considering the words of Mary at Fatima, Akita and Betania, all approved.

Having stayed for a brief time recently, (three weeks or so), in the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey, where the cause of the beatification of Maria Esperanza Medrano de Bianchini has been opened, (she is already a Servant of God), I can assure you that that diocese desperately needs a saint.

In case you missed this, here is the announcement of her cause.

Both the apparitions of Mary at Akita and at Betania are not only approved but timely.

I suggest readers leave off reading unapproved and even condemned visionaries and follow the true ones.

BTW,  through the Fifth Lateran Council and Pope Leo X, only the Pope can approve prophecies. Bishops can approve or disapprove visions.