Thursday 19 March 2015

Knowledge of DivineThings Part One

Years ago, on this blog, I said that the way to evangelize was by asking people the basic questions. I noted that we must ask people these questions: who they think they are as humans; why they are on this earth; what is the purpose of life; what is the purpose of creation.

And, so on.

Knowledge of God comes from many sources, but one must be willing to tackle the big questions when evangelizing. As rational creatures, we are to use reason in order to come to basic truths about ourselves, our lives, our destiny.

I am introducing a new series on some of the very basics of our one, true religion. Without understanding, we shall lose the battle raging within the heart of the Church.

Too long have Catholics emphasized emotional responses of religious experience to define their faith.

In the meantime, Satan has attacked the Church at the very place where She is weak now-in the rational core beliefs revealed by God to us.

Here are some reposts from another blog for which I write as an introduction to this mini-series. I start with this one from the Guild blog.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The Rational Catholic....needed

by Vivian Forbes (1927) for Parliament’s History of the “Building of Britain”
© Palace of Westminster

A the point of debate with atheists and even fallen-away Catholics... As a former teacher of argumentation and 
debate, taught my students to look at both sides and argue point by point.

This is the classical way of debating. One must understand the opponents' points of views before engaging in 

Most modern people do not know how to argue from reason. They have knee-jerk reactions, and very low levels 
of rational discourse. Logic has not been required in secondary education for two generations in the States.

Many of the huge cultural problems which will be and are facing Catholics today are owing to the lack of the ability 
to argue one's point from reason. We have been let down both by Catholic politicians and Catholic clergy on the 
moral issues of the day in this fair land of common law.

Argumentation was part of the training of and used by some of the great martyrs of England, Wales, Scotland and 
Ireland. I think especially of SS. Thomas More, Edmund Campion and Oliver Plunkett. You can read the 
transcripts. One may call their methods "apologetics", such as Campion's Brag.

The knew how to put forth the Catholic position and engaged those of opposing beliefs.

Doncha' think we need to teach our children and grandchildren how to engage the enemy with the question and 
answer method of Thomas Aquinas, for one example?

I always start by asking questions, such as "Well, what do you think of this?"

Learn how to debate before you will not be able to do so, before freedom of speech disappears in Great Britain 
and in America.

P.S. Edward Feser is a good way to introduce yourselves into argumentation and reason. The Pope Emeritus
and Father James Schall, of course, are two stars in the firmament regarding reason and faith.