Sunday 5 April 2015

For the young man who does want to hear about persecution...

I am in good company today, as the Pope prayed for the persecuted in so many countries in his Easter message, Urbi et Orbi.

To be a Catholic is to be real. From Pope Francis:

"We ask Jesus, the victor over death, to lighten the sufferings of our many brothers and sisters who are persecuted for his name, and of all those who suffer injustice as a result of ongoing conflicts and violence - and there are many," he said.
The pope spoke as churches in Kenya, where al Shabaab gunmen massacred nearly 150 people, singling out Christians for point-blank executions, turned to armed guards to protect their congregations on the most important day of the Christian liturgical year.
"May constant prayer rise up from all people of goodwill for those who lost their lives – I think in particular of the young people who were killed last Thursday at Garissa University College in Kenya - for all who have been kidnapped, and for those forced to abandon their homes and their dear ones."

UPDATE: A person from another diocese must told me that the Easter sermon at her Mass, which was packed, was on this comment of the Pope. The pastor in her parish said that few people in America are thinking of these persecuted Christians,,,,and, he added, maybe we shall have to go to war over persecuted Christians!

Glad to see there are some men left in the world. The lady's comment was "Well, this Pope is brave speaking out, but that is what Pope's are for..." Could not have said it better myself.