Tuesday 21 April 2015

Venus and the Lyrids

The bright object in the western sky tonight is Venus. The Lyrids, a meteor shower in the constellation of Lyra, begin an hour or so after midnight and should be most obvious an hour before dawn.

I have stood near the White Cliffs in Kent and watched the Lyrids, and from the country of Iowa. I hope I see these clearly tonight where I am now. Both times were cold, cold nights. It will be cold tonight as well.

The Lyrids make me a bit homesick for the sky over England. But, perhaps, the best meteor shower I have ever seen was in Ireland in January, the Quandratids.

Another great shower I saw was in Canada, the Orionids. The Perseids are supposed to be the best, but I have not seen a great shower in August as of yet.

One never forgets great sky shows. I hope it is clear where you will be tonight and tomorrow night for this year's Lyrids.
