Thursday 28 May 2015

Behind Schedule

All my worldly goods, almost, bar a few things in Malta and a few things in England, as of now are under one roof. This is the first time I have been able to go through things in five years, and I must attack the last vestiges of books. STS has just taken his last philosophy course, ever, and he and I discussed which of the 1,400 books to pass on. We started with about 6,000, and I pared down to 4,000, then 2,000 and now this amount. Yesterday, I gave many books to a homeschooling family of three children for a start.

I am waiting here for a response from a monastery close by to see if the abbot wants some of these and if so, there these shall go.

Sadly, it is too expensive to send books to England, but I shall try and get some to STS. Of course, he has some of mine and I have some of his, and so on.

Such is life, as he states, as some things have "gone missing", and I am afraid some of my icons have "gone missing". And, I ask my self, "Why"?

I shall not be able to post much for the next few days and the encyclical on the Body of Christ discussion will be delayed. However, I am reading several other books which I shall share with you including The True Spouse of Jesus by St. Alphonsus Liguori.

Watch this space....many, many thanks to F, J, and C for the help moving. I honestly could not have done it without your help.

I am glad this basement does not flood.....