Monday 25 May 2015

On Becoming New Women Saints

I have never been to a baby shower. I only went to wedding showers when I was in the wedding as a bridesmaid.

I had presents sent to the houses.


In this consumerist society, a woman is expected to talk about things. I never talk about things. Yes, I am practical and highly organizational. But, things do not have to be discussed with other females over coffee. I could never understand two hours of discussions on wallpaper for baby's room, or the paint needed for the crib, the color of booties to match daddy's eyes, or the need for endless talk about past labor pains.

Some females have not responded to the real call of freedom which is the freedom to think and the freedom to become holy.

Liberal arts education teaches one how to think. Liberal does not mean wild and wooly, but free to think. Thinking does not mean being obsessed with things, but discussing ideas, politics, Church teaching.

I remember the first meeting of some dear friends of mine in Malta. They asked me to help set up a day of prayer. For two hours, the menu was discussed and who was bringing what. This happened every time a day of renewal occurred and the same wonderful ladies basically made the same things. One of them, who had travelled extensively apologized as I look puzzled over this re-hashing of various buns, cookies, cakes, casseroles and salads. She knew that the Maltese loved to discuss food for a long time and made group decisions rather than having one person delegate needs.

Maybe it is because I was a working mum. Maybe my time was too valuable to waste on trivial discussions with people I would not see for two more years when another baby came along. Maybe it is because back home, women just say--"You bring this and this and you bring this for the food." Period.

One does not have to think out loud and one does not have to talk trivia. But, why do we?

It is safe. If one is talking trivia, one avoids serious issues, such as pro-life issues, or ssm, or the Synod, which several ladies I have spoken with in the last few weeks had no idea was happening. Oh no, we cannot hurt anyone's feelings by not accepting someone's lifestyle or the arrogance of sin, or suggesting people read the Catechism.

Until female Catholics stop talking trivia, they will not grow up and be the Catholic women we need in the world, like our Lynda, or Ann, or Diane,or Kathy, or Sarah, who read this blog and pray as well as work for the Church Militant. Could the Irish vote possibly be owing to women who do not know their Faith and have encircled their lives with trivia, including consumer objects? Holy women have led many to the radical Gospel for centuries.

Females, also, need to avoid places of gossip. Sadly, where I come from, showers are gossip groups.

Females in the Church Militant need to resemble the great lay saints, like Blessed Zelie Martin or a woman who will be canonized eventually, Empress Zita.

These are women who loved and worked, but grew in the holiness of saints in a lay context. We women need to let things which seemed important in 1999, or 2005, like re-decorating or having the latest recipes on the table, and start thinking like real soldiers in the spiritual field of battle.

A new woman in the Church Militant needs to emerge from within the remnant of Catholic culture.

What do we need? Contemporary Joan of Arcs, contemporary Catherine of Sienas, contemporary Margaret Clitherows, contemporary Gianna Mollas, contemporary Blessed Maria Corsinis--decide to become one and not just another person discussing the price of Pampers or the recipe for biscuits with sesame seeds.