Friday 19 June 2015

Good Blog, Good Summary of The Encyclical

The encyclical is very long, very serious and not a usual Francis--reflecting the Pope Emeritus, whom Francis quotes extensively.

It is worth reading in some prayerful detail.  I am disappointed in the American media trying to simplify this encyclical, instead of rejoicing in its complexity.

Why do we turn things into sound bites? Read the text.

Three snippets:

Global inequality: Environmental problems affect the most vulnerable people, the greater part of the world’s population and the solution is not reducing the birth rate but counteracting “an extreme and selective consumerism” 

Chapter 3 explores six of the deep root causes of these growing crises 
Technology: While it can bring progress towards sustainable development, without “a sound ethics”, it gives “those with the knowledge, and especially the economic resources… an impressive dominance over the whole of humanity” 
The technocratic mentality: “the economy accepts every advance in technology with a view to profit……yet by itself the market cannot guarantee integral human development and social inclusion” 
Anthropocentrism: we fail to understand our place in the world and our relationship with nature. Interpersonal relations and protection of human life must be set above technical reasoning so environmental concern “is also incompatible with the justification of abortion” 
Practical relativism: environmental degradation and social decay is the result of seeing “everything as irrelevant unless it serves one’s own immediate interests” 
Employment: Integral ecology needs to take account of the value of labour so everyone must be able to have work and it’s “bad business for society” to stop investing in people to achieve short-term financial gains 
Biological technologies: GMOs are a “complex environmental issue” which have helped to resolve problems but bring difficulties such as concentrating land “in the hands of a few owners”, threatening small producers, biodiversity and ecosystems 

Nice ending to this summary.....Chapter 6 and the two concluding prayers show how faith in God can shape and inspire our care for the environment. The Sacraments, the Trinity, the model of the Holy Family and our hope for eternal life can teach, motivate and strengthen us to protect the natural world that God has given us.

For the record, I have been studying the economics and biology of GMOS since 2010 and have been against these totally. But, that is another blog posting...