Saturday 20 June 2015

Please Help!

This is really bad!

Last weekend, we send out a fundraising email seeking financial support for LifeNews as we enter the summer months. Summertime, unfortunately, is a very difficult time for LifeNews as donations to continue the pro-life mission drop significantly.
The really bad news is that the response to our request for help to continue serving the millions of pro-life readers and pro-life activists who rely on LifeNews each and every day for the latest news and information to fight abortion was very poor. Donations were quite low and we will have a difficult time making it through the very dry summer months without your financial support.
We need your HELP!!
If you’re like me and my family, summertime is a wonderful time that focus on friends and family. The kids are out of school and it’s a chance to spend some quality time together, to take that vacation you’re been looking forward to, to cook outside on the grill, or relax with a good book in your comfortable chair as you enjoy the liquid sunshine. Sadly, the abortion industry doesn’t take any time off and abortion businesses continue to kill unborn children at an alarming rate. We truly hope you will help us respond and to speak up for those who have no voice.
At LifeNews, we desperately rely on your financial support. We’re not the abortion industry that gets subsidized with hundreds of millions of your taxpayer dollars. We don’t have rich friends in Hollywood who can write six-figure checks to support expensive advertising campaigns. And we don’t have high priced corporations sending over large donations.
Instead, we rely on YOU, the pro-life community, for your prayerful and sacrificial support. And if only a small percentage of our readers made a donation of $50 or $100, we would have the financial support we need to continue arming the pro-life movement for battle against the enemies of life.
LifeNews provides a unique pro-life perspective to the world that no one else does and the leaders of the pro-life movement rely on LifeNews every day to help save babies from abortion. With your financial support, we can continue serving the almost 6 million pro-life readers who rely on LifeNews each and every month.
Because of your tremendous support over the years reading and sharing our news and blessing LifeNews with your financial gifts, we are reaching more people now than ever before. This year alone, LifeNews is already on pace to reach over 60 million pro-life readers across the world. Pro-life people from nations as far away as the Philippines, Ireland, India and South Africa look to LifeNews to help them be a voice for the voiceless.
So please consider blessing LifeNews with a gift today. We understand no everyone has the financial ability to donate and that there are many good pro-life groups seeking your support.
We hope you will make a donation today of $25, $50 or $100 to help LifeNews be the voice for unborn babies around the world!Or maybe you have the ability to bless us with $250, $500 or even $1,000. Thank you for considering a donation!
We truly appreciate every reader, every person who shares or likes or re-tweets our news, and every person who sends a donation – large or small. Together we’re part of a larger pro-life team working to ensure there is a day where not one single baby around the world losses his or her life to abortion.
Steven Ertelt, Editor

P.S. To make a donation to LifeNews, just head to our easy online donation page that will take you to two different options to make an online donation with your credit card or an electronic debit transaction. Or, you can fill out the form following this letter and mail a check to us.

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Please mail your check to:, P.O. Box 270841 Fort Collins, CO 80527.

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