Saturday 20 June 2015

Still shocking.....and a statement from STM

My plans for the encyclical 'Laudato si''
  • I don't have time for this foolishness, so I don't expect to read any of it. (28%, 510 Votes)
  • I don't regard all the Pope's views in these areas as morally compelling, but I plan to read it all for interest and information. (25%, 457 Votes)
  • I will probably read selected parts as time permits. (25%, 456 Votes)
  • I plan to read it all, because I believe the Pope's views in these areas require deference by all Catholics. (21%, 381 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,804

...from Father Z.'s blog where it seems that almost thirty percent of the readership are possibly in heresy for disregarding Church teaching, and another 25% ignore the Church's demand that we consider such writings seriously. Another 25% are not paying enough attention to their adult duties apparently. 

We all have time to read or to ask someone to do it for us if we cannot.

All adults in order to appropriate their adult faith must read all encyclicals, or decent commentaries. This has always been an expectation of the Church, relying on priests to unpack such from the pulpit in an orderly and objective manner, which they are not, and ergo, my blog for one.

Some Catholics have fallen into anti-intellectualism and are following the Protestant line of the solos--so the right is acting like the left, to use political terms.

This poll indicates a serious difference in previous generations of Catholics who took encyclicals seriously, and I am ashamed of closed Catholics, who seem arrogant to me and not obedient in spirit.

I am convinced that the heresy of Americanism and the false idolatry of American political parties are behind some of this voting. 

If anyone wants to really understand what Christ is saying to the Church, read that long list of social encyclicals I posted yesterday and again now.