Wednesday 15 July 2015

Another Moving Day

Since January 1 of this year, I have moved about six times and lived in eight different places. I have moved all my stuff twice and been in five countries and four states.

Needless to say, I am very sore and exhausted.

What is clear is that I must rely on God for everything, even my physical strength

Our Father has not deemed it the time to have me in a house of prayer, but pray I continue to do.

Persistence is a sign of faith and good will.

St. Teresa of Avila states that to doubt in God's Providence is to insult the Father.

I agree,

Pray He allows me to be somewhere.

In all of these places, I have done some spiritual direction, prayed with people, and spent time in prayer.

Back in my storage room, looking at three chests, three boxes, three baskets, and four suitcases, among the books and papers, I feel like I am living in an old-fashioned train luggage carriage.

I discovered that five people from the ages of 52-58 did not know what a steamer trunk was....

I have several. But mine as all small-ish.

God is in charge, not me.....

Back to the Jesuits later.