Tuesday 21 July 2015

From Today's Office of Readings and Remorse

The ancients understood remorse. They understood the pain of remembering past opportunities for love, for generosity of spirit, passed up and then paid for by guilt.

 Erinyes, Furies or the "infernal goddesses" pursued those who sinned with justice and vengeance, unless the other gods of the Greek cosmos had pity on the person who experienced such. Charity to the Greeks did include alms, but also the avoidance of the capital sins, especially vengeful murder.

But, we have a higher call to charity, one which is embedded in our Faith.

1 John 3:17-19 Douay-Rheims 

17 He that hath the substance of this world, and shall see his brother in need, and shall shut up his bowels from him: how doth the charity of God abide in him?

18 My little children, let us not love in word, nor in tongue, but in deed, and in truth.

God has encouraged me, even in my simple lifestyle, to be generous, as the days of generosity will be stopped by God's justice.

We have been living in the time of mercy, which I predicted over a year ago, will end soon.

One reason why I am asking for help for the house of prayer now is that the time is coming when those who want to give will not be able to do so. The governments of the world are changing banking and financial rules even as I write.

If you are thinking of being generous, of creating a safe-haven, a hidden heart of prayer in the Church, now is the time.

Can you imagine, those who are able to give, how you will feel on that day when you go to your account and will not be able to take money out as you so desire? One of my friends learned the hard way, in a place relatively far away, what remorse comes from thinking one can be charitable "tomorrow". She lived in regret for past opportunities for giving out of her surplus, and now, she is no longer able to do this, not because she is poor, but because of outside influences on her income.

Pray, think, reflect. 

Those who give will be remember in prayer daily.