Sunday 12 July 2015

Marie-Julie Jahenny

As my dear readers know, I am a mega-skeptic regarding visionaries and caution all to only follow approved apparitions, such as Our Lady of Akita and Our Lady of Kibeho.

Two other modern ones not approved, but in the process of being examined do intrigue me. The first, Marthe Robin, seems genuine, and the other, Marie Julie Jahenny, seems very mysterious.

Father Dan likes Marie Julie Jahenny because she spoke of the coming persecution. However, as one who waits for Rome, I caution others and do not recommend, only point out this fact that she exists and one can read about her here.

My instincts are much more comfortable with Marthe Robin, who one can read about there.

If anyone is interested, there are the links, but I shall wait for Rome.

Also, on some of the websites, other non-approved or even condemned apparitions are found side-by-side with these two above.

If the local bishop approves, it is approved. If the local bishop condemns or states such a thing is not of supernatural origin, it is not true.

This is the way our Church works. And, of course, we do not have to believe in any apparitional words or specific prophecies.

I have not enough time to read the Doctors of the Church, the Early Church Fathers, the encyclicals and the details of approved apparitions.
