Sunday 26 July 2015

St. Anne

Today, St. Anne got bumped off the calendar by the Sunday Liturgy. However, as she is one of my personal patrons, having a middle name, like millions of Catholic girls in my generation, of Ann, I take time to wish you all Happy St. Anne's Day. In some liturgies, it is the feast of both Anne and Joachim.

It is hard to imagine St. Ann's part in the life of Jesus. She was not there at the birth, apparently, and may have already died. We have no indication in Scripture as to where she lived, (although, most likely in Nazareth), or how long she lived.

God gave St. Joseph to Mary for protection and status, so most likely, the parents of Mary were already dead, awaiting the Harrowing of Hell, awaiting their Grand Son's majestic Resurrection and destruction of Lucifer's reign.

In my school days, some of the girls prayed, "St. Ann, find me a man" when searching for a husband. I have to admit, I never did this. I had too many boys interested in me, and I was happy just being me. But, then, I had three brothers, and knew what boys were really like!

But, today, let us remember the woman who bore the Immaculate Conception, taught her when she was growing up, and, perhaps, presented her to Joseph on Mary and Joseph's wedding day.

I am not nor ever shall be a grandmother, but St. Ann is your patron, grandmothers, as well as the patron of carpenters; childless people;equestrians; grandparents; homemakers/housewives; lacemakers; lost articles; Fasnia (Tenerife); Mainar; Detroit; miners; mothers; moving house; old-clothes dealers; poverty; pregnancy; seamstresses; stablemen; sterility,.

She must be very busy answering prayers in heaven. and as I am moving in four weeks, please pray to her for me, please. It would be nice if I could move into a real house, instead of one room.