Sunday 16 August 2015

Musings on Natural Law and the New Blog

The two articles have not been sent to me yet and I sincerely hope these arrive before I move to the new blog.

Speaking earlier today with another person about natural law. the one thing we did agree upon was that Catholics can no longer merely enter an argument with the phrase, "Because the Church teaches..."

Moral decision making must be placed in a context which people who are not use to thinking except from a basis of subjectivity understand.

Interestingly enough, speaking with some young Millennials, I discovered that these people are less subjective than their Gen-X or Boomer parents. Why?

They have been forced to construct systems of some sort for themselves as so many have been taught nothing, no moral framework. So, the smarter ones are figuring out that they need a basis for moral judgments. They may use Buddhism, and more and more see the dogmatism of Islam interesting, but they seek something more than relativism.

This is a good sign of a good individualism, not based on conformity with one's peers.

I hope I can share the superb thoughts of my guest blogger soon.

As to the new blog, let me explain why I am drastically changing the format and content.

I firmly believe that Catholics must resort to prayer and the meditation of Scripture in order to adjust themselves to the coming crisis. In addition, those young people I have described above, deserve the insights and even, through the grace of God, the infused knowledge which the Holy Spirit frequently gives to those who grow in meditation.

I need not repeat what I have written in the long perfection series, but on the new blog, I shall concentrate on recollection, reflection, meditation and contemplation.

I am doing this for several reasons. Here are a few of the main ones listed below:

  • to help people move from action to the needed passivity of prayer
  • to help people learn how to evangelize with the insights given in prayer to doctrine
  • to move readers to become more committed to praying 
  • to help readers cooperate with God in developing discernment
  • to come to a Catholic, not Protestant understanding of the Scriptures, not only for personal growth but for evangelization 
  • to aid in the search for self-knowledge absolutely necessary to be a saint

We simply do not have much time to use the Net for learning patterns and levels of prayer, already outlined on this blog. But, perhaps a more personal reflection daily will help those who still are struggling with learning to live a life without the normal comforts--both physical and spiritual.

More later...