Not Getting to Ash Wednesday

Sadly, many of us in the States, without cars or on bus routes, will not get to Ash Wednesday services. That there are people who cannot get to church seems a scandal to me. The closest church to me is two miles, on roads without sidewalks, and the temperature will be 16 F on Wednesday or so, not counting the windchill. Not good for chilblains....and walking on a major road without pavements can make one into roadkill...all it takes is one person on a cell phone on these busy roads.

I hope that those who are working can go to the many evening services I see advertised in some dioceses. Also, in my home town, I know there is a noon Mass downtown which will see standing room only crowds.

Pray for the many who cannot get to church. This is the hardest things for me, not to get to daily Mass or such special days like this Wednesday.

We live in un-communities, worse than non-communities, as the suburbs and many areas outside of city centers dictate against community, on purpose, in my mind.


I have been telling people for over nine months to stop reading The Catholic Family News. If you are getting this newspaper, stop and stop reading it.

I was glad to hear Michael Voris support my position on this paper.

Where are the righteous men?

Throughout the Bible, from Genesis to 2 Peter, the term "righteous" may be found as applied to men.

Several references to "righteousness" may be found in the Psalms, particularly.

But, what is meant by righteousness and what does a righteous man look like?

The first characteristic which comes to my mind is that a righteous man is one who prays, daily, frequently.

He would be pure of heart, and not subject to the whims of the worldly. He would exhibit real virtue, which means that he has come through the Dark Night and entered into the freeing up of the virtues given in baptism and confirmation.

He would read the Scriptures and follow the teachings of the Church, knowing the details which would apply to his life and the life of those around him. He would, therefore , follow the Truth, be dedicated to study and appropriating his faith.

The righteous man would not only be pursuing personal holiness, but would be concerned about those who are in need. being compassionate and generous.

A righteous man would be, above all things, obedient to the Church and, perhaps, show the most basic and key virtue, that of humility.

Without humility, one cannot be judicial, exhibit prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude, the four cardinal virtues. Without humility, one cannot be cooperating with grace.

I have been meditating for several days and I must admit I have never met a truly righteous lay man.

I have met many who are trying to be righteous, but fall into worldly attitudes of chasing status, money and comfort. I have met several in the Dark Night, and many who are, thankfully, beginning the life of perfection.

A man cannot be righteous without receiving the sacraments as much as possible. Weekly confession would be another beginning of the way of righteousness.

Above all, a righteous man would love God before all others, including the members of his own family. He must be willing to sacrifice for the Kingdom of God. Too often, the "family name" causes compromises in this world.

Too many men idolize their jobs, their families, their own position in society. To break away from egotism is essential for a life of righteousness.

If you are a new-be Catholic, and want to be righteous, follow Christ and His people. If you are struggling to be righteous, continue on the road of holiness and do not give up. Surround yourself with holy men.

Do you want to be righteous, but cannot find men in your area who are righteous, look to these men for examples.

Bernard of Clairvaux
Karl of Austria
Maximilian Kolbe
Louis Martin

...and the many, many saints who have gone before us who have achieved the name of "saint" or "blessed".

May God raise up righteous men and may men who desire to be righteous respond to grace, the grace of righteousness. If there are righteous men, there will be holy families.

The Days of Teaching

For many years, I have taught the Faith. This is my vocation, or one of them. One of the problems all of us teachers have is that there are always some who walk away from the class not having learned anything.

Either they did not do their homework, their reading, or they did not reflect on the subject. Sometimes, students crammed to get a grade and not to learn the subject.

As adults, all Catholics are responsible for their own learning of the Faith. They cannot get out of this serious call to appropriate Catholic teaching.

This call to adult learning is the main reason for this blog.

But, knowledge is the beginning only of this appropriation. The perfection series calls all to prayer and meditation.

Reading, studying, prayer, meditation takes time.

People tell me they do not have time.

Some tips for time management:

  1. Get rid of the television. Do not listen to the radio in the car. One can pray better without both.
  2. Do not waste time shopping. Be organized and do not use shopping as a hobby or therapy.
  3. Set a time for prayer and reading and keep to this daily. I suggest early mornings. 
  4. If you have a spouse, give each other time for prayer by working and playing with the children.
  5. If you have a long commute, use the time in the car for the rosary and listening to Voris or other orthodox talks.
  6. Read the daily readings if you cannot get to daily Mass.
  7. Make a spiritual communion daily.
God bless your efforts. Time is short for all bloggers and we know this.

Dangerous Days

Back on the Net for awhile. Do not know for how long.

CatholicBandita was sent, she claims, a video of the beheading of Christians from ISIS.

Pray for all Catholic bloggers.