Monday 19 May 2014

Positive Parent Alert

If you have not listened to Jason Evert on “How to Date Your Soulmate”, please do and pass it on to your teens and college age kids.

This Lighthouse CD is one of the best on how to choose a mate and how to move towards the vocation of marriage.

Teachers should listen to this as well.

Some parishes have this free in the back of the churches.

God bless parents in the raising of their children.

This is worth the time and effort to get it.

No “missionary dating”-which means the girl thinks she is going to change the guy. Nopey, does not happen. “Date a person, not a project.”

An inspired talk…a great talk.

He encourages youth to not look for a spouse, but look for God. He said if one runs after God, look who is running with you.