Monday 19 May 2014

Yellow Journalism

When one is in a place where there is no Internet access, one realizes that many people in America never get real news. Those who do not access excellent news sites have nothing with which to compare the horrible news on the television.

The best thing all American Catholics could do is to throw the TVs out and find the real news sources on line.

I wrote about this a long time ago, and I am still amazed at intelligent people using TV as their main news source.

Also, if one is not reading excellent Catholics newspapers or periodicals, again, one is not getting the real deal.

Too much journalism has become “yellow journalism” full of agendas, half-knowledge and even ignorance.

The fact that some Catholics actually accept the media as not being totally antithetical to the Catholic Church amazes me.

One short sentence will do the trick.

The mainstream media hates God and His Church.
