Monday, 11 February 2013

Didn't take Kung long to be negative....

Bitter Hans Kung sees news of the resignation as another opportunity to castigate Pope Benedict

Predictably Fr Hans Kung has seen the news of Pope Benedict’s resignation as yet another opportunity to castigate his former colleague and friend. Pope Benedict XVI reached out to the embittered Fr Kung shortly after his election, inviting him to a private dinner in the Apostolic Palace. Fr Kung responded by launching a series of vicious personal attacks on the Holy Father.
Kung called the step “understandable for many reasons”. The 84-year-old, who worked with Benedict in southern Germany in the 1960s, added: “It is to be hoped however, that Ratzinger will not exercise an influence on the choice of his successor.”
He repeated his past criticisms of the pope, saying: “During his time in office he has ordained so many conservative cardinals, that amongst them is hardly a single person to be found who could lead the church out of its multifaceted crisis.”