Wednesday 20 February 2013

Part 42: DoC: St Peter Damian and Perfection

Many years ago, I thought this, that is, that we each one of us, was a little 
Catholic Church, enjoying all the benefits individually of the larger Church, as
well as wearing on our bodies the scars of the Church persecuted.

If the Church is the Bride of Christ, so too we can each be in that intimate 
relationship with Him.

Here is St. Peter Damian on this idea.

Think about this. To be continued............

Now just as the Greeks call man a microcosm, that is to say 
a little world, because his body is comprised of the same four 
elements as the universe itself, so each of the faithful is a little 
Church, since without any violation of the mystery of her 
inward unity each man receives all the sacraments of human 
redemption which are divinely given to the whole Church. If 
one man, then, can be said to receive the sacraments which are 
common to the whole Church, why should he be prevented, 
when alone, from uttering the words common to the whole 
Church, for the sacraments are so much more important than 
any words.

UPDATE: check this out