Wednesday 20 February 2013

Part 43: Peter Damian and Perfection in the DoC Series

In the rocky solitude of Fonte Avellana,
Peter Damian desired to be with Christ. 
Here he is on contemplative experience.
"I longed to cleave with all my heart,
to the everlasting light. My heart, then
as it seemed, was made of wax, as that
of the Lord's prophet was of flesh.
And, it melted in flame under the breath
of heavenly desire, and my sorrowing
countenance was often watered by rich
tears....I often beheld, by an immediate
perception of my mind, Christ hanging
from the cross, fastened with nails.
and thirstily received His dripping
blood in my mouth. But if I were to
attempt to tell you of the heights
of contemplation which were vouchsafed
to me, both of our Redeemer's most
sacred humanity and of the indescribable
glory of Heaven, the day would be at an
end before I had finished."

Found here.