Friday 7 June 2013

Are you ready to move?

In the future, people, like you and me, may have to move to get to Mass on Sunday, or even to get the sacraments in a somewhat regular fashion. As in England, during the Reformation, families will have to decide  whether to stay in their homes or move to have a priest minister to them. Families may break up because of this, just as the Mores had to break up, some going France and some staying in England. The same was true of the Howard family; some had to stay in England, such as Philip Howard, who was in prison, and some went to France. England under Elizabeth I passed a law that it was illegal to send one's Catholic children to the continent. Some families were stopped at the ports and turned back, not being allowed to leave the country with children.

Things will get bad really quickly, as we have seen this week with so many odd laws undermining the authority of the parents either being passed or being discussed. What Stalin and Mao did to make the state the carer and therefore, brianwashers of children, will happen in so-called democratic countries. Look at my link a few days ago on the ruling in Scotland that every child will now have a state minder, whose authority will be greater than that of the parents.

If anyone thinks that things will get better for families or the Church, look and read.

I cannot tell you which places in the world would be safe from such tyranny. There may be none. My ancestors went to America for religious and financial freedom.

There may be no more promised lands except the Kingdom of God under persecution.