Friday 7 June 2013

Beginning of Q and A on the Perfection Series

For the next few days, I shall try and answer questions as to the applications or understanding of the perfection series.  So far, I only have one question, which I can answer from experience.

KL asked how a mother with children at home can pursue the interior life without a community for help and support.

One may look at this situation from three points of view, all of which I tried when I was a stay-at-home mum with a young child.

First, create a community for yourself. I did this. Invite like-minded or potentially like-minded women in for coffee mornings.

Home school and get involved in home schooling communities or create one yourself. These groups usually include good conservative Evangelicals and Catholic mums.

2) Find the closest TLM and go to it. Most TLMs have community of some sort.

3) If one cannot create or find a community, pray to God for a good way in which to follow your time of meditation and contemplation at home. Ask your husband for an hour by yourself daily for this.

God always blesses effort and desire.