Saturday 15 June 2013

Traces of Humanity

Catholic traditional bloggers reveal the traces of humanity. We are like Hansel and Gretel putting down the bread crumbs in the woods to find our way back to Truth, safety, home. But, the crows have eaten the traces of humanity.

The world is becoming a planet of sub-humans. Evolution obviously has not created a super-race of highly moral and highly intelligent people. The philosophy of Star-Trek has failed many.

The daily news in the Church and in the world reveals a sub-human, anti-natural law bias.

The examples are too numerous to list.

Those of us who saw this coming cannot believe the pace of the dehumanization of Europe and America. Some of us had hints of this in the 1970s. Roe v. Wade and the NO caused us to wonder where Catholicism was hiding in the culture. Some of us tried to change the stream of abuses and heresies. Some of us have many war wounds from engaging in these battles.

Laws which allow men and women to kill their babies, children and aged parents, as well as law which allow one to kill one's self have been passed with a speed only a spiritual view can understand.

Laws which allow unnatural sex and the ability of those who practice such to adopt children have become more common and are being passed in countries around the world.

Laws which allow polygamy have been passed. Laws forbidding home schooling exist in some countries.

Laws which restrict Catholic freedom of conscience and freedom of speech are either passed or about to be.

One can barely keep up with the news of the corruption in the highest circles of the Church.

Those forces set in motion at the decisions of our First Parents are coming to a head. But, the laxity of the laity and the apostasy of the clergy have encouraged evil to spread rapidly.

The Post-Christian countries leave us with no defense.

Stay in the state of grace. Pursue perfection. Ignore trivial things. Stop talking so much. Do not use television news for truth-it is not there.

Pray for us bloggers.