Tuesday 19 November 2013

Second Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,

Many readers are in denial about teaching their children that they, as well as you, are part of the Church Militant. Too many parents are still in a mode of denying that their children will not face great tribulation as Catholics. Too many parents are letting their children live in a false security, the City of Man, and not addressing the real reality of the building of the City of God.

Children must become saints early, as early as possible. To wait to discuss the long history of the persecution of the Church, and to wait to discuss the lives of the martyrs both betray a false protective attitude which is not of God.

It is our duty, Parents, to pass on the Faith to our children. It is our duty to form our children in the virtues from baptism. It is our duty to form saints, nor merely "ordinary" children.

If we are not preparing our children for persecution by teaching them all the truths of the Catholic Church, by not teaching them to pray daily, by not leading them to a personal relationship with Christ, God will judge us severely at our particular judgement.

Many of you know my personal witness concerning raising my child in the Faith. I add that story found in the first letter at the end of this second one.

I am shocked in my return to the States at how many Catholic parents are not teaching their children about the reality of what it means to be a Catholic. To be a Catholic is to be counter-cultural, and children must learn this as soon as possible. They must learn that they will have to make decisions contrary to those of their peers, to those of adults, to those of the government.

If you are over-protecting your children by not explaining the times, you are not allowing them to grow in grace. If you are compromising about the truth in your life and allowing your children to compromise, both you and your children will not be able to withstand the winds of hatred which will come against all of us as Catholics.

God will hold you responsible for the souls of your children.

Proverbs 22:6

New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition 

Train children in the right way,

    and when old, they will not stray.


Thursday, 17 October 2013

A Letter to Parents

Dear Catholic Parents,

The time has come when you must take over the entire religious education of your children. This education includes faith and virtue formation. One cannot allow the schools, colleges, and universities now mostly run by Modernist Heretics to form your children. You have no choice but to find orthodox, Catholic schools, or to home school.

The souls of your children are your responsibility until they are adults and on their own. Your children owe you obedience while they are under your roof, including attending Church and living the Catholic lifestyles. If you allow them to live outside the Church while they are under your roof, you have abdicated your role as a father or mother.

Catholic Parents, if you do not take the responsibility of passing on the Faith to your children, the Church may die in your area. Catholic leadership has never been more necessary. And, most importantly, your children must, like you, become perfect, even as Our Heavenly Father is perfect.

The personal salvation of each one of us is in our own hands. Think like a Catholic, pray like a Catholic, and live daily life in the counter-culture which is true Catholicism.

God gave us His Son, Who established the Church on earth to help us in our salvation. Do not waste this great grace.

God bless you, fellow parents. Be clear and be strong. If you allow your children to conform to the world, God will judge you accordingly at the end of your life. To be a parent is a huge responsibility, not only in providing physical needs, but spiritual needs.

As I heard from God so clearly when my son was only 9 hours old, "When you die, I shall ask you one question. Did you pass your Faith on to your son?"
