Friday 10 January 2014

Are You Relevant or Irrelevant to The Times?


beside the point, immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, off the subject, unconnectedunrelatedperipheralextraneousinapposite,inapplicable

Are you important in your groups-family, church,  workplace; can you stay on the subject of religion without fudging; are you connected to God; are you related to the Church; can people apply the name "Catholic" to you?

Are you relevant?

closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
synonyms:pertinentapplicableappositematerialapropos, to the point,germane

If people cannot identify you with being a Catholic, you have made yourself irrelevant to the world. The world needs Catholics more than ever at this time. 

The martyrs were relevant, appropriate for their time, to the point, germane. 

Are you germane, in the real sense of the word, of being related, having the same parents, being related?

Are you related to God and His People? Are you building Catholic community?