Saturday 12 April 2014

Challenge to Priests

The ignoring of the old is getting to me. Priests are not reaching out to the elderly in their parishes in many places, and old people are falling away from the faith.

This is never talked about. Everyone is so taken with evangelizing youth that there is little or no care for the old.

The old are neglected spiritually. They cannot get to the sacraments. Many are losing their faith as they struggle with pain, the loss of children, the loss of their children to the world, the flesh and the devil, and the loss of support in the faith.

Daily, I am meeting old people who cannot manage their homes, their money, their shopping and no one in the parishes care.

Their children may live thousands of miles away and be fallen away from the Church so far as to not care about their Catholic parents.

I am shocked by the neglect.

I challenge priests in the parishes to pay attention, not talk down to their elderly, speak of the last four things clearly, and visit them.

The old need to see the love of Christ.