Saturday 12 April 2014

Traveling and The Lack of Civilization

I am not a traveler by nature. There are, to my knowledge, no gypsies in my past, although I do have good friends who know they have gypsy ancestors. My ancestors proved to be daring and active, but not loose and fancy free, which most people judge those who are itinerants are.

This is so far from the truth that I must comment on itinerants today.

Most of those I have met who are homeless are either suffering from addictions or vets. Vets have been and are treated very badly by our society, which has benefited from the sacrifice of so many vets who suffer.
Why America is treating her vets so badly is an indication that the narcissists rule all.

The Catholic Church in some dioceses do not have support from the wealthy or the middle-class to help the homeless. The diocese of Davenport has not had a Catholic Charities for years.

I shall soon find out about others. This situation of not caring for the homeless is a scandal in the Church.

Pray for our vets. A nation which has homeless is not civilized.