Wednesday 16 April 2014

Chaos vs. Discernment

Dante appropriately defines the concept of contrapasso in his presentation of divisive shades, the most clear-cut manifestation of a logical relationship between the offense and the punishment: as they divided institutions, communities, and families in life, so these figures are physically--and repeatedly--sliced apart for eternity in hell (Inf. 28.139-42). The contrapasso for the thieves, on the other hand, is arguably the most conceptually sophisticated of the poem. The tenuous hold on one's identity--with dramatic transformations of human and reptilian forms--suggests that no possession, no matter how personal, is safe in the realm of theft. Slightly less subtle is the contrapasso for the falsifiers, whose corrupting influence--on metals (alchemists), money (counterfeiters), identity (imposters), and truth (liars)--is reflected in their diseased bodies and minds in the tenth and final pit of circle 8, the realm of fraud. from

Many Christians understand and have seen at work the demons of Discord. These malicious spirits stir up the Church ladies to argue about whose flower arrangements will go on the main altar, or the parish councils as to the dates of the parish fete.

Discord stalks the Church in small and large matters. Heretics follow Discord. Schismatics follow Discord.

But, there is another demon, called Chaos, who is being allowed by God to work on earth for the greater good. That greater good would be the conversion of sinners, especially agnostics.

Chaos creates division as does Discord, but in a different manner. Chaos clouds the mind, makes people hear words spoken as these were not said, and enters into families to interfere with peace, harmony, order and focus. Chaos makes people busy about many things so that they cannot concentrate on Christ.

Judas allowed Chaos to manipulate him and cause the greatest crime in history-the betrayal of God. But, as we all know, God brought good out of chaos.

The way to stop chaos from entering into your family is a threefold attack. The first is prayer. All members of the family must be praying, dad, mom, children.

Secondly, using the gift of discernment. If you feel you do not have discernment read the link below.

Thirdly, by reconginizing chaos and stopping Chaos....this can be done.

That God is letting Chaos and other demons come into the world in power is not only part of His plan for the salvation of millions, but also as punishment owing to sin.

Violent anarchy is a symptom of chaos.

Addictions are symptoms of chaos.

Misinformation in the media is a symptom of chaos.

Lack of scheduling, order, discipline are symptoms of chaos.

Your home is your place of peace and your fortress against evil. Do not compromise your strengths.

More later....