Tuesday 15 April 2014

Turning a Corner

Lenin with Children at Christmas

What has been lost in education may never be able to be reproduced without great work on the part of parents. I was reading an article about Iowa schools being judge inferior by the federal government.

The criteria are now the No Child Left Behind bill, which was and is a disaster, as the new Core Curriculum Bill.

I am a strong state’s rights person who believes that education, of course, first of all belongs in the hands and hearts of the parents, and secondarily, with local government.

Merely twelve years ago, Iowa education was the best in the nation. A friendly rivalry with Wisconsin existed for years as which state would be judged first in test scores.

What has happened is that the teachers have become demoralized, having to become babysitters and care-givers, instead of teachers, as well as being forced to meet standards with which they may not agree, standards which are lower than their own expectations.

Teaching to a test is neither fun nor rewarding. Teaching really is mutual discovery of the truth. Teaching to tests has ruined Iowa education.

Sadly, with the new core curriculum, there is no turning back,

Catholic parents either must find a Catholic school which is not accepting the CC, or home school.

As Catholics, we no longer have a choice if we are to obtain eternal life.