Friday 21 November 2014

My thoughts today

How can a person live without thinking of Mary? I cannot imagine a life without recourse to the Theotokos, the Mother of God.

Today, we celebrate the Presentation of Mary, a symbolic day for the Church, as Anna and Joachim bring their holy child to the Temple for protection and prayer.

This day reminds us of the silent life of prayer in which Mary lived daily. As the only human being free from Original Sin and full of grace from her Immaculate Conception, Mary gives us hope that someday we may join her in singing the praises of God in heaven.

Mary's Presentation reminds us that God gave Mary to the Church for comfort, for intercession, for grace.

In her, the Trinity came into the world in a new way, through a woman of grace.

Let us pause and thank God for Mary, asking Mary to lead us, as she desires, to Christ, daily.

O Virgin Conceived without Original Sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

I reprint my Litany of Loretto Rosary today for you all who may have missed it. See following posts.