Friday 11 October 2013

Answers and repeated answers on Quietism

A reader asked me some questions on the levels of prayer. I can answer one of them quickly, as I wrote on the dangers of Quietism before...Check out these posts.

12 May 2012
Continuing with the heresy of Quietism, I am looking at these points from the Letter, Coelestis Pastor, quoted earlier today. 20. To assert that in prayer it is necessary to help oneself by discourse and by reflections, when God ...
12 May 2012
Some good advice from The Imitation of Christ against Quietism-- "The fervent and diligent man is ready for all things. It is harder labor to withstand our vices and passions than to toil at bodily labors. He that shuns not small ...
13 May 2012
Here are the last few points condemned by the Church on Quietism. I hope this little review has been helpful to some who either have fallen into errors, or for those who, like me, have come up against these in the past few ...
13 May 2012
I am again looking at Quietism. Here are some more points from the Pope's Letter I have been looking at the past two days. 31. No meditative person exercises true interior virtues; these should not be recognized by the senses ...

12 May 2012
I have been concerned about a tendency in a certain generation, or generations of Catholics regarding the heresy of Quietism. Now, this heresy results in two effects, which basically separates those who seek the Kingdom of ...
12 May 2012
Continuing my examination and application of Quietism in today's Church, I am continuing with the list of errors so clearly condemned by Holy Mother Church. Here are two more for consideration. 13. After our free will has ...