I know too many people who have not made out wills. This means, in England, that some, if not all the estate goes to the crown.
In America, it means that families fall into arguments which sometimes go on for years. One family I knew years ago argued over an aunt's will to the point of demanding that even the lamps in her house be part of a settlement and that this couple would not agree to a settlement without getting the lamps. Now, these lamps may have been interesting and worth something, but to hold up the settlement of a will because of lighting seems daft to me. And, to cause family dissension for years is simply sinful.
I know why people do not make wills, even those men and women who are very, very old. They fear death. They do not want to face that last day when they have to show God all the merits of heaven which they have gained, because, perhaps, they have not done this.
Several people I know have huge estates and no will. They cannot face death; and their health lies to them by making them think they will go on forever.
Less than a month ago, a woman young and beautiful, died of hypothermia because of an accident at her home. She did not expect to die young. What she had gained for God and His Church would be demanded of her on that day a month ago. The shock of untimely deaths should remind us all that we need spiritual wills, as well as physical ones.
Today's Gospel reminds us of our debt to God and our debt to our neighbors.
Wills in the spiritual life are your and my list of merits, gained through the mercy of God alone.
Have you made a spiritual will?