Friday, 20 September 2013
A reminder on a serious sin from the Catholic Encyclopedia
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Detraction is not criticizing ideas or written works, or speeches. Detraction is this....
(From Latin detrahere, to take away).
Detraction is the unjust damaging of another's good name by the revelation of some fault or crime of which that other is really guilty or at any rate is seriously believed to be guilty by the defamer.
An important difference between detraction and calumny is at once apparent. The calumniator says what he knows to be false, whilst the detractor narrates what he at least honestly thinks is true. Detraction in a general sense is a mortal sin, as being a violation of the virtue not only of charity but also of justice. It is obvious, however, that the subject-matter of the accusation may be so inconspicuous or, everything considered, so little capable of doing serious hurt that the guilt is not assumed to be more than venial. The same judgment is to be given when, as not unfrequently happens, there has been little or no advertence to the harm that is being done.
The determination of the degree of sinfulness of detraction is in general to be gathered from the consideration of the amount of harm the defamatory utterance is calculated to work. In order to adequately measure the seriousness of the damage wrought, due regard must be had not only to the imputation itself but also to the character of the person by whom and against whom the charge is made. That is, we must take into account not only the greater or lesser criminality of the thing alleged but also the more or less distinguished reputation of the detractor for trustworthiness, as well as the more or less notable dignity or estimation of the person whose good name has been assailed. Thus it is conceivable that a relatively small defect alleged against a person of eminent station, such as a bishop, might seriously tarnish his good name and be a mortal sin, whilst an offence of considerable magnitude attributed to an individual of a class in which such things frequently happen might constitute only a venial sin, such as, for instance, to say that a common sailor had been drunk. It is worthy of note that the manifestation of even inculpable defects may be a real defamation, such as to charge a person with gross ignorance, etc. When this is done in such circumstances as to bring upon the person so disparaged a more than ordinary measure of disgrace, or perhaps seriously prejudice him, the sin may even be a grievous one.
Another hopefully helpful comment for today on the papal article.
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As another comment on the Papal article, those who are blaming the media for all of the mess (lio), that is just not true. The media is, of course, bound to money and ergo, satan. We all know that. But, if one is going to work with the media, like so many of our bishops and the Pope in this article, one must be much more clever (like serpents) said the Lord, than the media. Also, please note that we have a pope who admits be trained in the far less than perfect seminaries which now dot the surface of the earth. We now have, perhaps, the first pope who not only is the first Jesuit, first new world pope (a huge difference of perspective from Europe) but also one who did not have the benefit of the classical education of the old seminaries. Bl John Paul II and the Pope Emeritus are the generation of my parents. Pope Francis, being born in 1936, would have been in the seminary in 1956 at least and further on, when the seminary training rot set in. We have the first pope of our time. Also, he is not a scholar in the same tradition of the last two popes, which also makes a difference in his presentation. These are just facts.
May I also add that one may criticize ideas and not be criticizing a person. One who is critical of writings or speeches in not necessarily hostile. This is the idea of the generation who is so subjective in reasoning, that they cannot deal with objectivity. One can totally love a person and yet have areas of disagreement. To say that criticism of ideas is hostility to a person is simply not true.
And, to criticize ideas is not to call a person a sinner, unless that person is a heretic.
May I also add that one may criticize ideas and not be criticizing a person. One who is critical of writings or speeches in not necessarily hostile. This is the idea of the generation who is so subjective in reasoning, that they cannot deal with objectivity. One can totally love a person and yet have areas of disagreement. To say that criticism of ideas is hostility to a person is simply not true.
And, to criticize ideas is not to call a person a sinner, unless that person is a heretic.
Statement from Supertradmum
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Pope Francis is a good man. Pray for him. Pray for the weak Catholics who cannot understand what he is saying and for the good ones who want and need more clarity. Pray for those of us who help those who are confused. Pray for more clarity on his part. Pray for those who highlighted things in the media for their own agendas, as these people are in danger of hell.
MY Faith is not reliant on one man unless he speaks from the Chair of Peter. This is a good man who is our pope, but perhaps not as media savvy as he could be. There were really bad popes and the Church survived. He is not bad.
If you want a list of bad popes, here it is: "The Bad Popes is a 1969 book by E. R. Chamberlin documenting the lives of eight of the most controversial popes (papal years in parentheses)": thank Wiki:
MY Faith is not reliant on one man unless he speaks from the Chair of Peter. This is a good man who is our pope, but perhaps not as media savvy as he could be. There were really bad popes and the Church survived. He is not bad.
If you want a list of bad popes, here it is: "The Bad Popes is a 1969 book by E. R. Chamberlin documenting the lives of eight of the most controversial popes (papal years in parentheses)": thank Wiki:
- Pope Stephen VI (896–897), who had his predecessor Pope Formosus exhumed, tried, de-fingered, briefly reburied, and thrown in the Tiber.[1]
- Pope John XII (955–964), who gave land to a mistress, murdered several people, and was killed by a man who caught him in bed with his wife.
- Pope Benedict IX (1032–1044, 1045, 1047–1048), who "sold" the Papacy
- Pope Boniface VIII (1294–1303), who is lampooned in Dante's Divine Comedy
- Pope Urban VI (1378–1389), who complained that he did not hear enough screaming when Cardinals who had conspired against him were tortured.[2]
- Pope Alexander VI (1492–1503), a Borgia, who was guilty of nepotism and whose unattended corpse swelled until it could barely fit in a coffin.[3]
- Pope Leo X (1513–1521), a spendthrift member of the Medici family who once spent 1/7 of his predecessors' reserves on a single ceremony[4]
- Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), also a Medici, whose power-politicking with France, Spain, and Germany got Rome sacked. Thanks to wik for list.
My Faith is not based on one man, the media or schismatics who will take advantage of such things. My Faith is in Christ, the Church and the long teaching of the Magisterium.
We should not be upset, but helpful in sorting out further misconceptions, as we are all through our baptism to take care of our brothers and sisters in Christ. And, to evangelize….but in truth and not confusion.
A long time ago, an excellent spiritual director of mine told me that where there is confusion there is satan. Well, we know who is in charge of the media and we also know all those in the Vatican press offices are not all saints. We must also realize that not all popes are the same.
Do not idolize a man, pray for him. This pope would not want to be the center of a cult of personality.
Do not idolize a man, pray for him. This pope would not want to be the center of a cult of personality.
The Korean Martyrs-A Short Meditation on a Young Saint
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Thanks to Wiki for Photo |
This young man is now the patron saint of Korean along with the Immaculate Conception. Today, with 102 other martyrs of that country, we celebrate their entrance into glory.
So thinks of the world today. Obviously, Saint Andrew's parents were guides for him in the Faith. As converts, they would have been aware of the presecution of Catholics in Korea. Yet, the young man became Catholic himself and studied to be a priest.
Are we training our children now for persecution? One does not automatically become a martyr. It is a process of growth and prayer.
Those who are not prepared, not formed, cannot make the decision for Christ and His Church under pressure. Notice below his studies included classical subjects. These are also part of formation. Notice also the part of his letter which he wrote in prison. He was tortured and, then, beheaded.
Here is a biography of his life from the Korean Bishops' Conference newsletter. We celebrate his feast today.
Kim Tae-gon Andrew was born on August 21st, 1821, in Solmae, Naepo, Chungchong Province. His great-grandfather, Kim Chin-hu Pius, was the son of a famous noble family in Solmae and once was an official of the regional government. About 1788, when Kim Chin-hu was 50, his son, who was Catholic, urged him to be baptized. After baptism in about 1788, he resigned from office and dedicated himself to a life of faith. Very soon, he was arrested during the persecution and sentenced to death. He spent more than ten years in prison and died there on February 20th, 1814. His grandson Kim Chae-jun Ignatius lived in Solmae with his wife Ko Ursula who gave birth to Kim Tae-gon. Kim Chae-jun Ignatius was martyred on September 26th, 1839
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Kim Tae-gon, who was born into this family of martyrs, was a man of excellent intelligence and strong personality. He was also a man of deep faith. When he was young his family moved to Kolbaemasil in Kyonggi Province in order to escape the severe persecutions. Father P. Maubant, one day, visited his village in 1836 and chose him as a seminarian. He was 15 years old at that time. Along with two other seminarians, Ch'ae Pang-je Francis Xavier and Ch'ae Yang-up Thomas he was taught by Father Maubant. The seminarians were sent to Macao where they arrived on July 6th, 1873, after eight months of travel.
2. First Korean Seminarians in Macao The missionaries of the Far Eastern Procure of the Paris Foreign Mission Society in Macao welcomed the first young Korean seminarians. They studied theology, Latin, geography, history, French and many other subjects. Father Legregois wrote to Father Maubant as follows: "Ch'ae Pang-je Francis Xavier is very quiet but a deep thinker and a gentleman. Ch'ae Yang-up Thomas is meek, precise and wholehearted. Kim Tae-gon Andrew is active but precise, obedient but daring, and has strong will power. He is a very promising young man. He is eloquent and his judgement is good, enabling him to solve problems quickly and easily. Although they have been here only a few months, they can communicate in simple Latin and French."
One of them, Ch'ae Pang-je, died in Macao in 1838. In 1842, Kim Tae뽶on left Macao as an interpreter for Admiral Cecile on board a French war ship. He happened to be present at the signing of the Nanking Treaty. After Admiral Cecile returned to France, Kim Tae-gon tried to enter his homeland with Bishop Ferreol through the strictly guarded northern frontiers but all his attempts failed.
Kim Tae-gon was ordained a deacon in 1844 in China. As a deacon, he decided to come into Korea alone through Uiju and he arrived in Seoul on January 15th, 1845. For safety reasons, he met only a few leading catechists. He was sick for about a month and when he recovered he decided to lead the French missionaries by sea, and left Chemulpo for Shanghai in a small wooden boat. |
3. First Korean Priest Weathering severe storms he safely reached Shanghai where he was ordained a priest by bishop Ferreol on August 17th, 1845, thus becoming the first Korean priest in the sixty-year history of the Catholic Church in Korea. At the end of August, he returned to Korea by boat with Bishop Ferreol and Father Daveluy. They arrived at Cheju Island first, having been driven there by severe storms.
They reached Kanggyong in Chungchong Province in October of the same year.
They reached Kanggyong in Chungchong Province in October of the same year.
Father Kim Tae-gon spent some time helping Bishop Ferreol and went to his hometown where he moved around the area, mostly at night, teaching and instructing the various Catholic communities.
At the beginning of 1846, the bishop summoned him to Seoul. On the orders of the bishop Father Kim Tae-gon tried to contact Chinese fishermen on Yonp'yong Island in order to have them lead Father Ch'ae Yang-up Thomas and the French missionaries waiting in China into the country. But he was arrested on the island on June 5th, 1846 and was sent to the central prison in Seoul. The King and some of his ministers did not want to execute him because of his great personality and his immense knowledge of western studies and foreign languages. However he was sentenced to be beheaded on Sept 15th 1846 as a ringleader of a heretical school and as a betrayer of his country.
In prison Father Kim Tae-gon Andrew wrote a last letter to his faithful. The following are a few excerpts from that letter.
At the beginning of 1846, the bishop summoned him to Seoul. On the orders of the bishop Father Kim Tae-gon tried to contact Chinese fishermen on Yonp'yong Island in order to have them lead Father Ch'ae Yang-up Thomas and the French missionaries waiting in China into the country. But he was arrested on the island on June 5th, 1846 and was sent to the central prison in Seoul. The King and some of his ministers did not want to execute him because of his great personality and his immense knowledge of western studies and foreign languages. However he was sentenced to be beheaded on Sept 15th 1846 as a ringleader of a heretical school and as a betrayer of his country.
In prison Father Kim Tae-gon Andrew wrote a last letter to his faithful. The following are a few excerpts from that letter.
"Dear brethren!... Meditate on the fact that from eternity God created all things in heaven and earth and let men, whom He made in His own image, be in charge of the world.
"There are many miserable and sad things in the world. If we were born once in this difficult and miserable world and didn't know the Master, who had created us, our lives wouldn't be worth living but would be useless. ... My friends! Keep in mind that Our Lord Jesus has come to this world, suffered countless torments, and founded and fostered His Church through pain and suffering. Since the Catholic Church was introduced into Korea 50 or 60 years ago, our people have suffered many severe persecutions and many Catholics, including myself, have been put in prison. How agonizing it is for us to suffer as one body and how humanly sad it is for us to part! However as the Holy Bible says that Our Lord even takes care of the hair on our heads, aren't these persecutions according to His providence? ... In this difficult time, to be victorious, we must be steadfast using all of our strength and capabilities like brave soldiers fully armed in the battlefield. After we die, please, take care of the bereaved families. ... We will soon go out to the battlefield. Be steadfast, and let us meet in Heaven. ... God will soon send you a much better pastor than I. So do not grieve but practice greater charity and serve the Lord so that we may meet again in God's eternal mansion". (Signed by) Father Kim Tae-gon Andrew.
The death sentence was carried out the next day, Sept. 16th in Saenamt'o by the Han River in Seoul where three French missionaries had been previously martyred. He was 26 years old when he was martyred. Just before his death, he made a farewell sermon saying "My eternal life is beginning now", and he calmly and courageously received from God the glorious crown of martyrdom.
Just a note...
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Law enforcement officials told NBC News that Alexis created a webpage with the name "Mohammed Salem," but they said he never did anything with it. They said they had found nothing else that might indicate any interest in violent jihad or even in Islam
More Ostriches.....
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Try again, stages four and five of persecution
Posted by Supertradmum
I have written this post before...and it was accidentally deleted with many others.
Stages four and five of persecution are clear. We are in stage four in the States and entering into it is Great Britain.
Stage Four is criminalization. I tried to explain this to my seminarian students right before Obamacare was passed in the House and Senate-- and Stupek caved in, December 24th, 2009. America changed that day. If one wants a dummy view of what will come--check out this plan of action and fill in the spaces.
Fines for disobeying state laws, such as in the Reformation, will be common.
Fines for teaching the truth will be imposed.
Bishop Henry of Calgary was fined years ago for teaching against homosexuality and civil marriage.
Being put out of business. Loss of status.
Catholic pharmacists in Illinois with consciences had to leave their jobs rather than pass out abortifactients and birth control pills. Catholic medical students have to leave certain courses at certain universities which are required-abortion classes which do the real thing--and move to other universities. I know this.
Adoption agencies in England and in the US, which will not allow same-sex couples to adopt, and rightly so.
33% of the hospitals in the States are Catholic. They will go out of business.
Imprisonment for hate speech, loss of status and jobs, (which some in academia have already experienced for standing up for Catholic truths in Catholic institutions-I have many examples).
And so, on
Why are people in denial about this?
Stage five is out and out murder.
It will be worse in America as the government is more organized and the populace more stupid and naive.
America will see organized imprisonment and death. Europe will fall into scape-goating and kill when things fall apart out of spite.
All we need is a crisis and one which can be manipulated. Hitler used inflation and unemployment to stir up the simmering hatred of the Jews. All we need is one stupid, orchestrated event.........
All this has happened before....Two out of three Jews in Europe were killed in the Holocaust. The population of the Jews now would be three times greater had there been no Holocaust.
REpost of a repost
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Almost two years ago, I put this on my blog. Here is a re-post on persecution. Being that ministers who are criticizing homosexuals will be some one the first ones in prison, I am posting this as a timely warning of things to come.
Also, note the link, to which I shall refer again.
Also, note the link, to which I shall refer again.
Friday, 20 January 2012
The Beginning of the Gulag; stage 3-vilification
Posted by Supertradmum
There have been since World War II, psychologists and sociologists who have defined stages of persecution for religions. The first is stigmatizing the targeted group. This has already happened in the United States under the present administration, who has labelled pro-life people as terrorists and those against same-sex marriage as prejudiced. Secondly, the government marginalizes Catholics in their role in society by taking away freedom of speech and by stating that personal conscience has no rights in law. That is what happened today and with Roe v. Wade adn in Europe and some states with ssm legislation. Third, the Catholics are vilified for alleged crimes or misconduct. This was in the language of the law today. Look at the press follow-up, here in this television report on the SPLC stating that all pro-life and anti-gay actions are hate groups. Jewish, Catholic, Black and White pastors are against this vilification. If you think I am into exaggeration look at the Southern Poverty Law Center's statement through this link here.
The fourth step will be a criminalization of the Church's stance on lgtb rights, abortion, contraception, etc. Wait and see in one year where these new laws take us. And, finally, the out and out persecution of the Church in martyrdom.
If we do not pay attention now, we have only ourselves to blame when all our liberties are gone.
If we do not pay attention now, we have only ourselves to blame when all our liberties are gone.
Wow, Newsmax Poll is Stunning
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Do you support the full repeal of President Obama's healthcare plan Congress passed in 2010?
Yes, repeal it completely
No, don’t repeal it at all
No, repeal just parts of it
Do you agree with the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Obamacare law?
Yes, agree
No, don't agree
Should Congress restore $500 billion in Medicare benefits for seniors that the Obama plan cut?
Yes, restore the Medicare benefits
No, don't restore the Medicare benefits
Do you support President Obama's desire to give 12 million illegal aliens amnesty and a path to citizenship?
Yes, I support Obama's amnesty plan
No, I oppose it
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