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Thursday, 5 January 2012

Hello and Thanks for All the Fish

Welcome back to my blog. I was active for several years in 2007-2009 and now I am back. I say "Thanks for all the fish" because I feel like I am on a different planet than when I was blogging not that long ago. At that time, I was living in Ventura, Ca., and then, Iowa. Now I am in Europe. The viewpoint is refreshingly and disturbingly different, of course.

If I am going to help all of us understand the political or religious events around the world, pertaining to the Traditional Mass, the Post-Vatican II and Post-Modernist movements, there is no place better than sitting in a small room in Ireland or on a veranda in Malta overlooking the detritus of Western Civilization as it crumbles before my eyes.

I hope my former students and colleagues will find this blog useful. If not, I know that there are hundreds of fantastic blogs out in the blogosphere to help us all maintain some sanity. May God bless us all and may the patron saint of the Internet, St. Isidore of Seville, who, as patron, is also a complicated topic, bless all my commentators.