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Sunday 13 January 2013

Perfection, again, and the Holy Trinity

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a theme of this blog. If more priests and catechists talked about this, we would all be happier and more in tune with our call to perfection and holiness.

The Blessed Virgin Mary was the first person to experience the Holy Trinity dwelling within, from the moment of her conception, the Immaculate Conception.

We, too, from baptism, have that great gift. But, this gift is lost and squandered by sin.

Mortal sin, meaning deadly sin, kills the life of God in the soul.


Because, simply, we have decided that something or someone else is God instead of God.

Fornication and adultery make another person and sex into gods, supplanting the Holy Trinity within us.

Homosexual sin is also idolatry.

So, too, are pride, greed, gluttony, avarice, deceit and all the Seven Deadly Sins, which I have tags on to other posts I have made on this subject.

Do not kid yourselves. You cannot see God if you have separated yourself from Him. You cannot see God unless you serve Him in purity of heart. How hard this must be for the pagan, as it is so hard for us who have grace.

Free Will is a tremendous gift.

Usually, a sexual sin causes youth to skip Mass. Then, they tumble into the habits of sin and staying away from the very sacraments which will give them clarity of mind and life.

A vicious and deadly circle....denying sin leads to death of the soul.

The Church did not make up these sins, God did. The Ten Commandments are still in effect.

Most people sin by putting their desires, wants, needs, will first and God's second or third.

To say we will what God Wills means dying to our own self, over and over and over.

The self-willed cannot see God, either out of their own selves or in their own selves.

The self-willed only see ME, and maybe, just maybe, a you, but only if the you serves the purposes of the ME. Such is sin.

The self-willed make the world into their own image and likeness.

To begin the road to perfection, one must be purified of sin, even venial sins. The great saints vary on whether a person can ever be free of venial sin, but every imperfection keeps us from God's Will for our lives.

Believe me, as I have experienced this. To be on the road to perfection is the only thing to do in life---see my quotation from Leon Bloy on the side.

I repost it here for you.

"The only tragedy in life is not to become a saint." 

Why a tragedy? Because eternity is a very long time.

Remember, one must be in sanctifying grace to receive merit for good.  God is merciful, of course, but to take His Mercy for granted is the sin of presumption. 

See all the other posts on perfection....more to come. This is just a reminder.

To find the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity is a great gift. One must be willing to give up everything which fills one's heart instead of God.

Not just things, for example, but the desire for things. Not just fame, but the desire for people to think well of you. 

Today, on EWTN's website, this quotation fit perfectly my thoughts for the day.

Such is the synchronicity of the Spirit of God.

The man who burns with the fire of divine love is a son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and wherever he goes, he enkindles that flame; he desires and works with all his strength to inflame all men with the fire of God's love. Nothing deters him: he rejoices in poverty; he labours strenuously; he welcomes hardships; he laughs off false accusations; he rejoices in anguish. He thinks only of how he might follow Jesus Christ and imitate him by his prayers, his labours, his sufferings, and by caring always and only for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

-- St Anthony Mary Claret

This is what I desire. And, to be joined in the Cross of Christ and share in His Sufferings is part of the deal. A priest in Confession told me today that we cannot avoid the Cross, and that Christ has gone before me in all my suffering.
