Here is St. John of the Cross on this goal.
If a model for the painting or retouching of a portrait should
move because of a desire to do something, the artist would be unable to
finish and the work would be spoiled. Similarly, any operation, affection,
or thought a soul might cling to when it wants to abide in interior peace
and idleness would cause distraction and disquietude, and make it feel
sensory dryness and emptiness. The more a person seeks some support in
knowledge and affection the more the soul will feel the lack of these, for
this support cannot be supplied through these sensory means.
10.6. Accordingly, such persons should not mind if the operations of their
faculties are being lost to them; they should desire rather that this be
done quickly so they may be no obstacle to the operation of the infused
contemplation God is bestowing, so they may receive it with more peaceful
plenitude and make room in the spirit for the enkindling and burning of the
love that this dark and secret contemplation bears and communicates to the
soul. For contemplation is nothing else than a secret and peaceful and
loving inflow of God, which, if not hampered, fires the soul in the spirit
of love
These blessings are attained when by means of this night the soul
departs from all created things, in its affections and operations, and
walks on toward eternal things. This is a great happiness and grace: first,
because of the signal benefit of quenching one's appetite and affection for
all things; second, because there are very few who will endure the night
and persevere in entering through this narrow gate and treading this
constricted road that leads to life, as our Savior says [Mt. 7:14].